Who will be the president?

Saturday, 26 February 2011

True Friendship

True friends are for life
Until the end
They're more than special
They're your bestest friends.

They're the ones you can go to when your in despair
The ones that will help you
Even when you get gum in your hair!

To have a good friend
 You have to be one
 So be nice to one another
 So you can be friends forever
 And that's how to be the best friend you can be.


  1. For all my friends in CIS...<3

  2. For you too namz...hope u like it...

  3. hehe.....i do nena...n u know u will always have me here for you...Whenever you need me dont think twice to look for me...caz thats what friends are for...Missed you today...But ima steal u sooon lol

  4. true friends.. they dry your tears....!!!!! what wud life be like without true frenzz??
